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    May the full moon bring you a happy family and a successful future

    2023-09-29 14:44:45 Juncera 486

    After the summer has subsided, the sky is clear, and the autumn scenery is clear. As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, Juncera Company has carefully prepared Mid-Autumn Festival benefits and sent holiday blessings to employees to express its sincere care and gratitude.

    Recently, Juncera Company hands out Mid-Autumn Festival benefits to all employees, including delicious mooncakes and practical corn oil. On the occasion of the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival, this initiative fully reflects the company's care and love for employees.


    It is understood that Juncera Company has distributed various flavors of mooncakes for employees to meet their taste needs, so that employees can taste the food and feel the company's love at the same time. In addition, corn oil, as a commonly used seasoning in daily life, has also been included in the welfare scope, so that employees can feel the company's meticulous care while enjoying delicious food.



    Juncera Company has always attached great importance to the welfare and benefits of its employees, and regards that employee satisfaction and happiness are important cornerstones for the company's development. Over the years, Juncera company has always adhered to the principle of putting people first, continuously improving the employee welfare system, and striving to create a warm and harmonious working environment for employees. The Mid-Autumn Festival welfare is the vivid embodiment of the company's care for employees this time.

    On this special day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, all employees of JUNCERA Company will share the warmth and joy together, and work together for the company's bright future. Let's hope that in the future, Juncera Company can achieve even more brilliant achievements with the efforts of all employees.

    Finally, let us jointly wish all employees a smooth work and a happy life in the future, and grow together with the company.

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