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    Mid-Autumn Festival, warmth transfer

    2024-09-19 17:19:46 Juncera 5

    In the Chinese traditional festival Mid-Autumn Festival approaching, ZIBO JUNCERA CERAMICS LIMITED  adhering to the deep corporate culture and humanistic care spirit, carefully prepared the holiday benefits for all employees. This initiative not only reflects the company's deep care for employees, but also further enhances the sense of belonging of employees and shows a good image of the company.

    The Mid-Autumn Festival, as one of the traditional Chinese festivals, carries the beautiful meaning of reunion and harvest. At this special moment, ZIBO JUNCERA CERAMICS LIMITED aims to convey gratitude to employees and promote the essence of traditional culture by issuing holiday benefits. This kind of caring behavior of enterprises not only makes employees feel the warmth of the festival, but also an affirmation and encouragement of their hard work.

    The Mid-Autumn Festival benefits prepared by ZIBO JUNCERA CERAMICS LIMITED for employees include mooncakes, fruit gift boxes and peanut oil. As a traditional food for the Mid-Autumn Festival, mooncake symbolizes reunion and contentment. The fruit gift box represents health and vitality, reflecting the company's concern for the quality of life of employees; As a practical living material, peanut oil further demonstrates the company's careful consideration of employees' daily life. These benefits not only enrich the employees' holiday life, but also deepen their sense of identity and loyalty to the company.


    For the non-native employees who cannot go home for the holiday due to work reasons, the company has specially formulated a detailed welfare delivery plan to ensure that each non-native employee's family can receive the warmth and care from the company. Through express delivery or other reliable logistics, the benefits are directly delivered to the hands of employees' families, so that employees who are far away can feel the festive atmosphere and the company's care.


    The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for reunion and Thanksgiving. Here, we sincerely thank every employee for their hard work and outstanding contributions in the past year. It is your efforts and sweat that have created the company today. At the same time, we also thank every family member who silently supports us, it is your understanding and tolerance, so that our employees can have no worries.

    Finally,ZIBO JUNCERA CERAMICS LIMITED once again wishes all employees and their families a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, good health and happiness!

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